August 3 , 2010
Daisuke Kobayashi
It was a really hot day. I'm feeling that Japan was much cooler than here. Then I heard that yesterday and today were the hottest days, and from today it will get better. I hope so.
In class, we all did presentations that we prepared from we were in Japan. Our group presented first. We got nervous but our group really cared about time management. So I think we could give a good presentation.
After presentation, we had a lunch. We were so relaxing and eating slowly, and then we couldn't finish it in lunch time. I really think that lunch time isn't long enough, because it is including time to move and get ready for the next class.
Next class was business. The teacher's pronunciation was really hard and I couldn't understand all.
But I could understand that the project has started right now.
Hi Daisuke. This is Masaki.
返信削除Thank you for your blog-posting. It seems you had a really productive day. How were the reactions of the UMSL teacher and SAs to your presentation?
I hope you'll enjoy working on classes and the project with your team members. Take good care and have fun : )
Best wishes,