
today is shopping!!

Hi, I'm Aiko! Now, it's 2:30 in the US.
At 3:00, we are going to go shopping. Iam so exited.

Yesterday, I and Yuki irie went to telescope to watch sters with Mr.Meyer.
We could watch Mars ,Venus ,Jupiter and its satellite!
We spent really precioustime ;)
there was one ptripe in Jupiter. We couldn't watch red spot.
Mr.meyer said red spot will apper afetr a lapse of several years.

I and Irie were very exited!!

see you soon,

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Aiko, this is Masaki.

    It seems you and Yuki had a stellar experience, looking into the universe! Did you happen to take photos of those planets & stars at all?

    Hope you enjoyed the shopping in St. Louis and built another piece of fun memory with you friends in the Summer 2010 : ) Thank you for keeping us posted and I look forward to hearing more about your life up there. Stay tuned with your class. Have a good one!

    Best wishes,

